SoL # 16 – Bed Time Routine

My little man is 7 years old and growing more independent every day. Recently he has been asking for extra cuddles after his regular bedtime routine. Some days I roll my eyes, doesn’t he know I have work to do, laundry to fold dishes to wash, tv shows to catch up on… I have to stop myself and remember he’s only going to be this little for a short time.

Recently I read something about how as a parent you never know if this time will be the last time. You don’t know if it’s the last time he’ll want extra cuddles before bed. You don’t know if it’s the last time he’ll hold your hand while you cross the street. You don’t know if it’s the last time he’ll kiss you goodbye in the classroom.

I am really trying to remind myself that the dishes, work, tv, etc. can wait. I’m trying to be in the moment and appreciate all these moments. They are so fleeting.

3 thoughts on “SoL # 16 – Bed Time Routine

  1. It is funny that you write this, because I am in opposite mode right now. I am (sort of) longing for the day when I don’t have the extra stories, and all that can go with putting a toddler to bed! I know that I will regret feeling this way, because even now I can feel them getting more independent. Thanks for the reminder that we can’t take anything for granted!


  2. This is a wonderful reminder. It’s so natural for us think of all the things we need to get done when the most important things will be changing and growing so very quickly.


  3. As I read the post of mom’s with little ones, it takes me back to those years! Mine are 11 and 15, so they don’t always want snuggles or time with me, but when they do… enjoy every minute, it does fly by!


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